The Retired Police Dog Barked At A Tree Until His Father Cut It Down, Revealing A Previously Unknown Wonder In The Process

Published on 11/18/2021

Getting Suspicious

When it comes to walks, everyone who has had a dog will tell you how curious they are, always sniffing about to get a better understanding of the environment around them. Kyle was no exception, as he was able to unearth all kinds of details about the Smiths’ lives while strolling with them. Occasionally, Kyle would uncover unusual artifacts, such as some curiously abandoned garments, while digging in the dirt. Kyle would instantly identify anything or anybody who does not want to be identified.

Getting Suspicious

Getting Suspicious


Innocent Thrill

While Kyle was always ecstatic whenever he discovered a new route, this time was different. The pure delight that he had had whenever he pursued a squirrel or a misplaced human object was no longer there for him to feel. Rather, whatever Kyle was chasing this time was generating him a level of anxiety that he had never experienced before. Kyle had picked up something disturbing that brought back his police training, so the Smiths had no option but to pursue him.

Innocent Thrill

Innocent Thrill